Join us in Reykjavik/ Iceland for a 1/2-day Seminar:
Designing Wisdom Economies
Using Ten Types of Capital to Assess & Increase Impact
Tuesday, Sept 18, 2018
Re-imagining Capital
Over the last decade there has been an increasing awareness from many sectors of society that we need to re-imagine the notion of capital. It isn’t enough anymore to just measure impact or even have more impact. Rather you want to make sure you are having more of the right kinds of impact. The MetaImpact Framework enables you to understand impact in an expanded way that explores how to measure impact using metrics associated with up to ten types of capital and how those capitals contribute to multiple bottom lines. Thus, this Framework supports you to create thriving organizations, communities, and societies by expanding the notion of impact, capital, and bottom lines and identifying the important ways these aspects are related to each other. Understanding these relationships enables you to design Wisdom Economies that cultivate and track multiple forms of value in a way that preserves the wholeness of people and systems.

Designing Wisdom Economies
Join us for a 1/2-day in-person seminar where we will explore current trends in the New Economy and how to design wisdom economies (i.e., whole-person/whole-system economies) using the MetaImpact Framework. This Framework provides an integrated model of the relationship between four types of impact, ten types of capital and their measurement, and a quadruple bottom line of People, Profit, Planet, and Purpose. One of the distinguishing features of this Framework is how it integrates all of these elements into a very intuitive and easily applied approach. This seminar is a first-of-its-kind training in multiple capital assessment, value accounting and integrated reporting. Currently there are no options for being trained in how to use informal and formal metrics – both qualitative and quantitative – to assess impact across ten types of capital. Join us as we help pioneer this important new field of value accounting and wisdom economy design.
What will I discover?
This 1/2-day Seminar is for you if you want to …
Who will I learn with?
In this seminar you will be learning along side like-minded individuals who are keen to explore the interconnections between types of impact, forms of capital, and multiple bottom-lines. This include individuals such as:
Social Entrepreneurs
Conscious Capitalists
Alternative Currency Advocates
Impact Investors
Holistic Educators
Change Makers
Sustainability Practitioners
Non-Profit Leaders
Marketeers/Brand Managers
How Will I learn?
Learning is a unique journey. Our intention is to enable the spaces and resources for people to learn as much as they want. You can choose to just get familiar with the topics, or take a deep dive and implement the model for your own projects and goals. Your choice.


Why Reykjavk?